A lactometer is an instrument that is used to check for the purity of milk by measuring its density.
An instrument to find out the content of the water in the milk or to test the richness of the milk is thus termed as 'lactometers'. The lactometer works on the principle of gravity of milk. The construction of this instrument is very unique as there is long vessel test tube and meter bulb attached to it so that whenever the milk is poured into the vessel the meter bulb starts floating on it. The purity of the milk gets tested without any dilution of water content in it.
These lactometers are known for precision design, accurate measurement and reliability. These lactometers are used highly at milk processing units and at dairies.
The various types of the lactometer are mercury coated lactometer which is highly acknowledged for its precision design and efficiency. Lactometer consists of test tubes and meter bulb which are two of the main parts of the lactometer.
Today we drink milk to remain fit and healthy but we do not get to know whether the milk is adulterated with the water or not.
Thus to testify the same thing use of lactometers are very effectively method.
Most of the milkman mix water in the milk to by reducing the contents of rich milk which only are essential for our body.
To avoid the mixing of water in the milk lactometers are very much used and have gained importance in due course period of time.
A lactometer measures the density of milk. It tells the user how much water is in the milk that is being sampled. This is an instrument used to determine the richness of milk. Lactometer indirectly measures the cream content of milk. The more cream, the lower the lactometer floats in the milk.
A Lactometer is a little glass instruments that tests the purity of milk based on density/buoyancy and works on the principle of the specific gravity of milk.
Principle of Lactometer :
It is based on the Archemedes' principle. When we put lactometer inside the liquid it experience buoyant force (weight of displace fluid). Hence measure relative density in the given scale of lactometer. Lower the density of liquid farther, the lactometer will sink.
So, if water adulterated in milk, it will decrease the specific density of our milk. So, lactometer will sink more according amount of water adulterated in milk. Lactometer can give real idea of amount of adulteration of water in our milk sample.
So, more adulteration of water in milk, more lactometer will sink in that adulterated milk.
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