Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Introducing the Knowledge Graph

The Knowledge Graph is a huge collection of the people, places and things in the world and how they're connected to one another. With this technology, Google can get you the best possible answers and help jump start your discovery.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Assembling of Tata-Sky Dish (Live Video) (Hindi) (720p HD)

Watch out live video of assembling of Tata-Sky Dish. In this video, you will watch assembling of Tata Sky Dish, setting their specific direction to Satellite and testing signal quality of the specific channel in Tata Sky Setbox. This video can be useful for a new user who wants to assemble his Tata Sky Dish by himself after shifting his location or in village where Tata Sky service center is still not available. (Voice : Hindi) 
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